Security implementation involves the actual deployment of policies, processes, and controls to ensure the security of an organization’s systems, data, and operations. It encompasses the practical steps taken to put security measures into action, with the goal of protecting against various threats and risks.

Symosis provides the following Implementation Services:


  • Policy Creation: Develop security policies that outline the rules, guidelines, and standards for ensuring security across the organization.

  • Policy Communication: Share policies with employees and stakeholders to ensure everyone is aware of security expectations.

  • Enforcement: Implement mechanisms to enforce policy compliance, such as access controls and regular audits.


  • Security Processes Design: Define processes for incident response, vulnerability management, access management, and more.

  • Automation: Automate routine security processes to ensure consistency and efficiency in execution.

  • Testing and Validation: Continuously assess and improve security processes to adapt to changing threats.


  • Access Controls: Implement access control mechanisms, including role-based access control (RBAC) and least privilege principles.

  • Network Controls: Configure firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems, and network segmentation.

  • Data Protection: Implement encryption, data masking, and data loss prevention (DLP) controls.

  • Application Controls: Integrate security measures within applications, including input validation, authentication, and session management.

Security Services

  • Security Training and Awareness: Train employees on security best practices and the importance of maintaining a secure environment.

  • Incident Response: Establish incident response teams and procedures to swiftly address security incidents.

  • Threat Detection and Monitoring: Implement continuous monitoring to detect and respond to security threats.

  • Vulnerability Management: Regularly scan systems for vulnerabilities and apply patches and updates as needed.

  • Security Audits and Assessments: Conduct regular security assessments and audits to identify gaps and weaknesses.Security Audits and Assessments: Conduct regular security assessments and audits to identify gaps and weaknesses.


  • Regulatory Compliance: Implement controls and measures to ensure compliance with industry regulations and standards.

  • Privacy Compliance: Ensure data protection and compliance with data privacy regulations.

Change Management

  • Change Control: Implement a change management process to review and approve changes to systems and applications.

  • Testing: Thoroughly test changes to ensure they don’t introduce security vulnerabilities.

Incident Response

  • Plan: Develop an incident response plan detailing steps to take in the event of a security incident.

  • Testing: Regularly test the incident response plan through tabletop exercises and simulations.

  • Coordination: Establish roles and responsibilities for incident response team members.

Communication and Reporting

  • Communication: Maintain open lines of communication between security teams, IT teams, and management.

  • Reporting: Generate regular security reports for management to provide insights into the organization’s security posture.

Vendor and Third-Party Management

  • Due Diligence: Implement security controls for third-party vendors and partners who have access to your systems and data.

  • Assessments: Regularly assess the security practices of third parties to ensure they meet your standards.

Continual Improvement

  • Feedback Loop: Gather feedback from employees, stakeholders, and incident response activities to improve security measures.

  • Adaptation: Stay up-to-date with emerging threats and adapt security measures to address new risks.

Security implementation requires careful planning, coordination, and collaboration between various teams within the organization. It’s an ongoing process that involves regular assessments, updates, and adjustments to keep up with the evolving threat landscape and maintain a strong security posture.